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Apistogramma Species List

By Species-Groups/Complexes

As of September 20, 2024

Compiled by Mike Wise
(with assistance from Frank Hättich
and Tom Christoffersen)

The genus Apistogramma is the most species-rich genus of cichlid fishes in South America. When I first compiled a list of Apistogramma species for the Apistogramma Study Group back in 1985 there were only 41 scientifically described species (one of which is now considered a junior synonym) and less than 10 species that were considered undescribed species. Things have become more complicated since then.

Presently, approximately 100 scientifically described species are recognized as valid, but genetic studies show that many species actually represent multiple closely related species. Additionally, many more undescribed Apistogramma species have entered the hobby over the past 35 years. A large number of distinct populations (that we call “forms”) and color morphs also exist that may or may not be species in their own right. At the time of this writing we have recognized over 400 species, forms, and distinct population of Apistogramma.

The following list is the compilers’ opinion of which Apistogramma forms are distinct and separate species, and which are merely geographic populations. Our list is based on information provided to us by ichthyologists and apistophiles from all over the world. The original list was influenced strongly by the works of Kullander, Koslowski and later by preliminary genetic work by Ready, et al. and Miller & Schliewen. New data produced under the auspices of the Institute of Research for Development – Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IRD-IIAP) by Tougard and other ichtyologists have expanded our knowledge even more.

We think that there needs to be some explanations for first-time users.

Why are the species listed by species-groups instead of alphabetically?
The primary purpose of this list is to help you identify your apistos. With so many species/forms, we decided that the list would be more useful for identification purposes if all similar species were listed together. We adhere to the “divide and conquer” method of identification. Why wade through over 400 species/forms in an alphabetical list if you can only compare similar species/forms? In that way there are many fewer apistos that you need to consider. To help you understand species-groups, we describe the various species-groups in the article "A Description of Apistogramma Species-Groups” on this website.

Can there really be so many species?
The compilers of this list would like to think that there are fewer, but recent genetic data that we have, both published and unpublished, indicates that there actually are as many – if not more - species than we show on the list. Therefore we have resigned ourselves to be “splitters”. We do this for two reasons. First, genetic studies indicate that the genus Apistogramma is not only evolving very rapidly (Farias, et al., 2001), but that genetically distinct species can be almost indistinguishable from each other (Ready, et al., 2006; da Costa, et al. 2019; Estivals, et al. 2020). Second, we feel that we need to avoid crossing different populations in the hobby as much as possible. Many of these populations are extremely rare and have not yet been studied scientifically. Once crossed with other similar populations many of these possible species could be lost to the hobby. If they turn out to be populations of the same species then no real harm is done, but if they turn out to be distinct species we then lose species purity in the hobby due to unintentional hybridization.

How to read the list?
The list is divided into sections that correspond to species-groups, complexes, and subcomplexes as discussed in the article "A Description of Apistogramma Species-Groups".
There are also species that have characteristics of two closely related species groupings. These we list as “bridge species” under separate headings.
Additionally, there are some species that cannot be confidently assigned to any species grouping. These we list under “Affiliation Uncertain”.
Our list follows a format originally proposed by Miller & Schliewen (2005). Their phylogenetic tree roughly starts with species-groups whose species show more primitive features and ends with those that show more advanced features.

Valid scientifically described species are listed in alphabetical order first in each species-group, complex or subcomplex. Apistogramma "forms" that we believe are distinct species, but scientifically undescribed are then listed in alphabetical order. Forms that we believe are only geographic populations of a species are indicated as such by being listed in the same cell below the species to which we believe they belong, but they are shown indented.
Over time many species have been given more than one name. These are listed in “Other Names”. Where there is more than one common name for an undescribed species or form, we tend to use the oldest or most popular published name, as opposed to commercial/trade names. There are exceptions, however. We try to avoid using names that look like scientific names, although they are not (e.g. Albertini, Wilhelmi). Such common names continue to cause confusion among some hobbyists about what is a valid scientifically described species and what is not. Instead, we give preference to location names, followed by descriptive names. We also try to avoid common names that might be confusing, such as our using the name A. sp. "Cruzeiro" (for the city of Cruzeiro do Sul) instead of A. sp. "Juruá", which can be confused with A. juruensis.
A-numbers listed in Stawikowski (2005) are included for many species. Those species without A-numbers have been introduced into the hobby after the publicaton of the above book.
D-numbers were initiated by Tom Christoffersen for species/forms/populations recently collected, mostly in Colombia, by Daniel Mejia-Vargas, Tom and others. Many are now appearing in the hobby trade.
Where a name is listed as "= A. xxx?" it indicates that we are not completely sure if it is the same species.
Finally, we provide a generalized "Distribution" for each form, if known.

I doubt that others with an extensive knowledge of the genus will agree completely with this list, but we each feel that it is accurate for the most part. It will undoubtedly change – as it has in the past – as new species and data appear. We - Tom, Frank and I - hope that the list is helpful to those using it. We are always interested in others’ opinions. Such discussions can only improve our understanding of the many species of Apistogramma.

References Cited

da Costa, Gideão Wagner Werneck Félix, Marcelo de Bello Cio, Thomas Liehr, Eliana Feldberg, Luiz Antonio Carlos Bertollo and Wagner Franco Molina. (2019): Extensive Chromosomal Reorganization in Apistogramma Fishes (Cichlidae, Cichlinae) Fits the Complex Evolutionary Diversification of the Genus.
— Internat. J. Molecular Sciences 20: 4077.

Estivals, Guillain, Fabrice Duponchelle, Uwe Römer, Carmen García-Dávila, Etienne Airola, Margot Deléglise and Jean-François Renno. (2020): The Amazonian dwarf cichlid Apistogramma agassizii (Steindachner, 1875) is a geographic mosaic of potentially tens of species: Conservation implications.
— Aquatic Conservation, Mar. and Freshwater Ecosystems. v, 30 (8): 1521 - 1539.

Farias, I., G. Orti, I. Sampaio, H. Schneider & A. Meyer. 2001. The cytochrome b gene as a phylogenetic marker: the limits of resolution for analyzing relationships among cichlid fishes.
— J. Molec. Evol. 53: 89-103.

Koslowski, Ingo. (1985). Die Buntbarsche der Neuen Weld — Zwergcichliden.
— Essen. Reimer Hobbing GmbH. 192 p.

Koslowski, Ingo. (2002). Die Buntbarsche Amerikas. Band 2: Apistogramma & Co
— Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co. Stuttgart. 318 p.

Kullander, S. O. (1980). A taxonomical study of the genus Apistogramma Regan, with a revision of Brazilian and Peruvian species (Teleostei: Percoidei: Cichlidae).
— Bonn. Zool. Monogr. 14. Bonn. 152 p.

Kullander, S. O. (1986). Cichlid fishes of the Amazon River drainage of Peru.
— Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm. 431 p.

Miller, Michael & Ulrich Schliewen. (2005). The molecular phylogeny of the genus Apistogramma – a working hypothesis.
— in Stawikowski, Rainer (ed). Südamerikanische Zwergcichliden/South American Dwarf Cichlid.DATZ Sonderheft/Special Pub. Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart. p. 22-25.

Ready, J. S., I. Sampaio, H. Schneider, C. Vinson, T. Dos Santos, & G. F. Turner. (2006). Colour forms of Amazonian cichlid fish represent reproductively isolated species.
— J. Evol. Biol. 19(4): 1139-1148.

Stawikowski, Rainer. ed. (2005). Südamerikanische Zwergcichliden / South American Dwarf Cichlids.
— DATZ-Sonderhefte / DATZ-Special Publication. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. 128 p.

Tougard, Christelle, Carmen R. García Dávila, Uwe Römer, Fabrice Duponchelle, Frédérique Cerqueira, Emmanuel Paradis, Bruno Guinand, Carlos Angulo Chávez, Vanessa Salas, Sophie Quérouil, Susana Sirvas, Jean-François Renno. (2017). Tempo and rates of diversification in the South American cichlid genus Apistogramma (Teleostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae).
— PLoS ONE 12(9): e0182618.

– Mike Wise      

Phylogeny of the Genus Apistogramma

          A.-caetei -Complex






         A. wapisana

       Ancestral A.-trifasciata-
lineage species





                  A.-agassizii-Netz / Net-



(All entries of this table are links. So if you want to look at a particular group, complex etc., you can simply click on the respective entry)




    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. eleutheria A. sp. "Upper Treze de Maio"    - Rio Treze de Maio
(Upper Rio Xingu, Brazil)
A. flavipedunculata A. sp. "Upper Curuá"    - Rio Treze de Maio (Upper Rio Curuá, Brazil)
A. kullanderi A. sp. "Gigas"    - Upper Rio Curuá (Upper Rio Xingu, Brazil)
A. sp. "Gigas II" A. sp. "Cachimbo Gigas II";
= A. sp. "Teles Pires"?;
= A. sp. "Peixoto"?
   - Middle Rio São Manuel ou Teles Pires (Brazil)
A. sp. "Peixoto" A. sp. "Rio Peixoto-Azevedo";
A. sp. "Serpa";
= A. sp. "Gigas II"?;
= A. sp. "Teles Pires"?
A 39 Rio Peixoto de Azevedo (Upper Rio São Manuel ou Teles Pires, Brazil)
A. sp. "Teles Pires" = A. sp. "Gigas II"?;
= A. sp. "Peixoto"?
   - Middle Rio São Manuel ou Teles Pires (Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. sp. "Cajueiro"    - Lower Rio Teles Pires near Cajueiro ferry; Rio Paranaita; Rio São Benedito (Brazil)
A. sp. "Chao"

   A. sp. "Itaparaná"
A. sp. "Rio Xingu"
(Chao 93-107)

= A. sp. "Chao"?;
A. sp. "Kinnfleck/Chin-spot"
A 42

A 43
Middle Rio Xingu
(South of Altamira, Brazil)

Reported to be from the Rio Itaparaná
(Middle Rio Purus), but probably from the
Rio Xingu (Brazil)
A. sp. "Jabuti" A. taeniata Santarém A 36 Rio Jabuti (near Santarém, Brazil)
A. sp. "Jamanxim"    - Rio Jamanxim (Upper Rio Xingu, Brazil)
A. sp. "Juruena"    - Rio Juruena? (Upper Rio Tapajós, Brazil)
A. sp. "Middle Curuá"    - Lower Rio Treze de Maio
(Upper Rio Xingu, Brazil)
A. sp. "Parati" A. sp. "Xingu III"

A. sp. "Paje"
A 40

A 41
Lower Rio Xingu
(Vitória to Altamira, Brazil)
A. sp. "Samaúma" A. cf. sp. "Vielfleck" (Samaúma)    - Rio Tucurui do Xingu near Vitória (Brazil)
A. sp. "Vielfleck/Multi-spot" A. sp. "Amapa Guttata";
A. sp. "Brazil Guttata";
A. sp. "Pineapple";
A. sp. "Vielfleck" (Assurini)
A 38 Lower Rio Xingu (Altamira, Brazil)
A. sp. "Xingu"

   A. cf. sp. "Xingu" (Gold Nugget)

   A. sp. aff. "Peixoto"
A. sp. "Rio Xingu" [Stawikowski];
A. sp. "Xingu" (Red-lobes)


A. sp. aff. "Peixoto" (Purus)
A 37

A 37a

Lower Rio Xingu (near Altamira, Brazil)

Lower Rio Xingu (Brazil)

Reportedly from the Rio Purus,
but probably from the Rio Xingu (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. "Xingu" (Rio Iriri)    - Lower Rio Iriri? (Brazil)


A.-sp.-"Xingu" / A.-caetei-Complex Bridge?

    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. piauiensis = A. sp. "Paraguay III"? A 21 Rio Parnaiba (North east coast of Brazil)
A. rubrolineata (Bolivia)

   A. rubrolineata (Peru)
A. sp. "Beni"

A. sp. "Manu"
A 18

A 19
Río Beni system (Bolivia)

Río Manuripe (Peru)
A. tucurui A. sp. "Tucurui" A 20 Lower Rio Tocantins (Tucurui, Brazil)
A. sp. "Tucurui Yellow Head" = A. tucurui?    - Rio Tocantins (Brazil)?



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. caetei    - Rio Caeté; Rio Apeú; Rio Quatipuru; Rio Piquioira (North east coast of Brazil)
A. cf. caetei (Gurupí) = A. caetei? A 26 Rio Gurupi (Brazil)
A. cf. caetei (Turiaçu) = A. caetei? A 29 Rio Turiaçu (Brazil)
A. cf. caetei (Guamá)

   A. cf. caetei (Capim)
A 27

A 28
Rio Guamá (Lower Rio Capim, Brazil)

Rio Capim (Brazil)
A. cf. caetei (Marapanim)    - Rio Marapanim (Brazil)
A. cf. caetei (Paraguay) A. sp. "Paraguay";
A. sp. "Paraguay I"
A 31 Rio Paraguay? (Brazil?, Paraguay?)
A. cf. caetei (Rotwangen/Red-cheeks) A. cf. caetei Marajó A 30 Ilha de Marajó (Brazil)
A. sp. "Araguaia (Aruanã)" A. sp. "Aruanã" A 22a? Upper Rio Araguaia around Aruanã (Brazil)
A. sp. "Araguaia (Crixas)" A. sp. "Crixas" A 23 Rio Crixas-Mirim (Upper Rio Araguaia, Brazil);
Rio Prado (Rio Paraná, Brazil) (Introduced)
A. sp. "Araguaia (Marabá)" A 24 Lower Rio Tocantins near Marabá (Brazil)
A. sp. "Araguaia (Rio das Mortes)"    - Tributaries of the Rio das Mortes (Brazil)
A. sp. "Araguaia (Santana)" A 22 Rio Cumueté (Middle Rio Araguaia near Santana do Araguaia, Brazil)
A. sp. "Macapá" A 32 Amazon delta (Near Macapá, Brazil)


A.-resticulosa / caetei-Complex?

    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. sp. "Paru" A 25 Rio Paru above the Cachoeira Parnagua (Brazil)
A. sp. "Steel-blue" A. sp. "Blaukopf/Blue-head";
A. sp. "New Blue"
   - Probably a domestic hybrid, resticulosa X caetei



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. resticulosa A 12 Middle Rio Madeira (Humaitá, Brazil)
A. cf. resticulosa (Aripuanã) A 15 Rio Aripuanã near Novo Aripuanã
(Middle Rio Madeira, Brazil)
A. cf. resticulosa (Humaitá) A 13 Unknown; sold as domestic offspring of parents believed to be from Middle Rio Madeira (Humaitá, Brazil)
A. cf. resticulosa (Lagoa Abunã) A. sp. "Lagua Abunã"    - Lagoa Abunã (Middle Rio Abunã,
Plácido de Castro, Brazil)
A. cf. resticulosa (Madre de Dios)    - Upper Río Madre de Dios (Bolivia/Peru)
A. cf. resticulosa (Madeira) A 17 Lower Rio Madeira (Brazil)
A. cf. resticulosa (Mamoré Blue)

   A. cf. resticulosa (Guaporé 1)
A. sp. "Malome";
A. sp. aff. taeniata
(Römer CA2)

A. sp. "Guaporé 1"
A 16

Lower Rio Mamoré (Brazil/Bolivia)

Lower-Middle Rio Guaporé near Vila Bela (Brazil)
A. cf. resticulosa (Nathaneal) = A. resticulosa? A 14 Rio Maçangana (Near Alto Paraiso, Brazil)
A. cf. resticulosa (Rio Beni)    - Lower Río Beni near Riberalta (Bolivia)
A. taeniata (Type 1, Holotype) A 1 Rio Cupari (Lower Rio Tapajós,Brazil)
A. cf. taeniata (Type 1, Curuá) A. sp. "Rio Iriri" A 7 Rio Curuá (Brazil)
A. cf. taeniata (Type 1, Prainha) A 8 Prainha (Brazil)
A. cf. taeniata (Type 1, Tapajós) A 2 Lower Rio Tapajós (Brazil)
A. cf. taeniata (Type 1, Xingu) A 9 Lower Rio Xingu (Brazil)
A. cf. taeniata (Type 2, Arapiuns) A 3 Rio Arapiuns (Lower Rio Tapajós, Brazil)
A. cf. taeniata
      (Type 2, Blauglanz/Blue-sheen)
A. sp. "Blauglanz/Blue-sheen" A 10 Middle Amazon (Brazil)
A. cf. taeniata (Type 2, Curuá-Una) A 6 Lower Rio Curuá-Una (Brazil)
A. cf. taeniata (Type 2, Igarapé Açu) A. cf. taeniata (Alenquer);
A. sp. "Alenquer";
A. taeniata
(in Mayland & Bork, 1997)
A 4 Middle Amazon between Manaus & Santarém (Brazil)
A. cf. taeniata (Type 2, Óbidos) A. geisleri (Santarém)
in Cichlid Atlas 1?
A 5 Near Óbido (Brazil)
A. sp. "Giovanna"    - Upper Rio Tapajós near Jacareacanga (Brazil)
A. sp. "Wangenflecken/Cheek-spots" A 11 Ilha de Marajó (Brazil)
A. sp. "Uru"    - Rio Uru drainage (Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. pleurotaenia A 33 Río Paraguay (Paraguay? Argentina?)
A. urteagai A 35 Río Madre de Dios (South East Peru & South West Brazil)
A. sp. "Kosho-Kosho" A. sp. "Puerto Maldonado"    - Río Madre de Dios
(near Puerto Maldonado, Peru)
A. sp. "Mosaik/Mosaic" A 34 Peru import; no precise location
A. sp. "Paraguay III" = A. piauensis?    - Paraguay import; no precise location



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. commbrae

   A. commbrae
      (w/separate caudal spot)
A 93

A 94
Upper & middle Río Paraguay
(Paraguay & Brazil)

Import from Paraguay
A. cf. commbrae (Salto)    - Río Uruguay (near Salto, Uruguay)
A. inconspicua (Bolivia)

   A. cf. inconspicua (Brazil)
A 96

A 97
Upper Rio Paraguay (Brazil);
Upper Río Guaporé (Brazil/Bolivia)

Upper Rio Guaporé (Brazil)
A. linkei (Type / Santa Cruz) A. sp. "Gelbbrust/Yellow-breast" A 99 Río Mamoré & Río San Miguel (Bolivia)
A. cf. linkei (Cochabamba)    - Río Chaparé near Cochabamba (Bolivia)
A. cf. linkei (Río Itonamas) A 98 Río Itonamas (Guaporé system) (Bolivia)
A. similis A 95 Laguna La Brava, Río Yata system
A. sp. aff. similis = A. inconspicua?    - Río Itonamas & San Martín (Bolivia)
A. sp. "Mariae"    - A hybrid domestic form, commbrae x ?



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. borellii (type)

   A. cf. borellii (Bolivia)
A. aequipinnis; A. reitzigi;
A. ritense; A. rondoni;
A. sp. "Opal/Opalita";
= A. sp. "Paraguay II"?
A 101

A 102
Middle & upper Río Paraguay
(Brazil, Paraguay, N. Argentina);
Mato Grosso (Brazil, Bolivia)

Mato Grosso (Brazil, Bolivia)
   A. cf. borellii (Opal/Opalita) A. sp. "Opal/Opalita" A 105 Originally a domestic color strain; now also used for color forms from many locations in the Río Paraguay (Brazil, Paraguay, Northern Argentina); Mato Groso (Brazil, Bolivia)
   A. cf. borellii (Paraguay) A 103 Middle & upper Río Paraguay (Paraguay)
A. cf. borellii (Río Uruguai) A 104 Middle & upper Río Uruguay
(Brazil, Uruguay)
A. sp. "Paraguay II" = A. borellii?    - Lower Río Paraguay (N. Argentina)?



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis

   Apistogrammoides cf. pucallpaensis
       (Mamirauá Reserve)
A. sp. "Ruth"
A 100

Middle to Lower Río Ucayali (Peru) to Upper Río Amazonas (Peru & Colombia). This 'species' probably is a 'superspecies', composed of several different, closely related species.

Mamirauá Reserve (State of Amazonas, Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. acrensis A. sp. "Rio Branco";
A. sp. "Rio Acre"
A 63 Rio Acre (near Rio Branco,Brazil)
A. geisleri

   A. geisleri (Parintins)
A 58

A 60
Rio Curuçambá &
Lower Rio Tapajós (Brazil)

Rio Parintins (Lower Amazon,Brazil)
A. cf. geisleri (Brazil) A. sp. "Brazil";
= A. cf. geisleri (Careiro)?
= A. sp. "Smaragd/Emerald"?
A 61 Lower Amazon (Brazil)?
A. cf. geisleri (Careiro) = A. cf. geisleri (Brazil)?
= A. sp. "Smaragd/Emerald"?
   - Careiro area, Lower Amazon (Brazil)
A. cf. geisleri (Curua) = A. cf. geisleri
   - Lower Rio Curu-Una (Brazil)
A. cf. geisleri (Smaragd/Emerald) = A. cf. geisleri (Curua)? A 59 Lower Amazon between Santarém
& Óbidos (Brazil)
A. ortmanni

   A. cf. ortmanni (aquarium import)

   A. cf. ortmanni (Corantijn River)

   A. cf. ortmanni (Mazaruni River)

   A. cf. ortmanni (Rupununi River)

A 48


A 46

A 47
Guyana & Western Surinam

Aquarium import (Guyana)

Corantijn River (Guyana/Suraname)

Lower Mazaruni River (Guyana)

Lower Rupununi River (Guyana)
A. cf. ortmanni (Río Cuyuni) Tumuremo-Apistogramma A 49 Cuyuni River & Tumeremo Reservoir
(Eastern Venezuela)
A. paulmuelleri A. sp. "Masken/Masked";
A. sp. "Apache";
A. sp. "Carapintada" (in part);
A. sp. "Peru (II)";
A. cf. regani (Belem)
A 52 Lower Río Ucayali (Contamaná, Peru)
A. cf. paulmuelleri (Juruá) A. sp. "Eirunepé";
A. cf. "Masken" (Juruá)
   - Middle Rio Juruá (Eirunepé, Brazil)
A. cf. paulmuelleri (Marañon)    - Upper Río Marañon (Peru)
A. cf. paulmuelleri (Peru-Regani) Small = A. sp. "Pucacuro"?    - Middle Río Ucayali (Peru)
A. cf. paulmuelleri (Tonantis) A. sp. "Tonantis"    - Rio Solimoes (Amazonas) near Tonantins (Brazil)
A. regani A 55 Lower Rio Negro; Middle Amazon (Brazil)
A. cf. regani (Trombetas) A 56 Igarapé São Miguel, Rio Trombetas (Brazil)
A. sp. "Barcelos" A. sp. "Solimões" A 57 Middle Rio Negro (Barcelos, Brazil),
Lower Solimões (Brazil)
A. sp. "Gelbwangen/Yellow-cheeks"

   A. cf. sp. "Gelbwangen/
      Yellow-cheeks (Rio Jau)"

   A. cf. sp. "Gelbwangen/
      Yellow-cheeks (Santarém)"
A. sp. "Rio Solimões"

A. sp. "Prahina"
A 62


A 62
Middle Amazon (between Manacapuru & Manaus; Lago Janaucá, Brazil)

Rio Jau (Brazil)

Lower Amazon, near Prainha? (Brazil)
A. sp. "Peru-Regani" A. cf. paulmuelleri (Peru-Regani) Large    - Lower Río Ucayali (Peru)
A. sp. "Pucacuro" A. sp. "Río Tigre 2";
= A. cf. paulmuelleri (Peru-Regani) Small?
   - Upper Río Tigre, Peru
A. sp. "Río Tigre 1"    - Upper Río Tigre, Peru
A. sp. "Rotporen/Red-pores" A. sp. "Amapá Bitter I";
A. sp. "CA 96 Amapa"
A 54 Near Lourenço, Amapá, Brazil
A. sp. "São Gabriel" A. sp. "Alto Negro";
A. sp. "Tiquié Regani"
A 53 Upper Rio Negro near São Gabriel da Cachoeira (Brazil)
A. sp. "Sichelbinden/Sickle-bands"    - Unknown, Middle – Lower Amazon (Brazil)
A. sp. "Smaragd/Emerald" = A. cf. geisleri (Curua)?
= A. cf. geisleri (Brazil)?
   - Lower Amazon (NW of Santarém, Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. sp. "Winkelfleck/Angle-spot 1" A. sp. "Carapintada" (in part);
A. sp. "Winkelfleck" (light);
A. sp. "Tiger Stripes"
A 44 Lower Río Marañón (Nauta, Peru)
A. sp. "Winkelfleck/Angle-spot 2" A. sp. "Oroja";
A. sp. "Winkelfleck" (dark)
A 45 Río Orosa (Peru)


A.-regani-? / A.-eunotus-Complex?

    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. gossei

   A. cf. gossei
A 50

A 51
Río Oyapock/Oiapoque
(Brazil/French Guiana)

French Guiana
A. moae A 72 Rio Moa (Upper Rio Juruá, Brazil)
A. sp. "Amapá (Rio Amapá Grande)"

   A. sp. "Amapá (Fortaleza)"

   A. sp. "Amapá (Rio Araguari)"

   A. sp. "Amapá (Rio Caçiporé)"

   A. sp. "Amapá (Rio Calçoene)"

   A. sp. "Amapá (Rio Macari)"

   A. sp. "Amapá (Rio Uruauçá/Auçá)"

A. sp. "Fortaleza"
(Aqualog Extra)
A 68


A 67

A 71

A 70

A 69

Rio Amapá Grande,
Amapá State(Brazil)

Near Fortaleza, Amapá (Brazil)

Rio Araguari, Amapá State (Brazil)

Rio Caçiporé, Amapá State (Brazil)

Rio Calçoene, Amapá State (Brazil)

Rio Macari, Amapá State (Brazil)

Rio Uruauçá/Auçá, Amapá State (Brazil)
A. sp. "Kanamari"    - Upper Rio Juruá (Brazil)
A. sp. "Rio Candeias" A 64 Rio Candeias (Upper Rio Madeira, Brazil)
A. sp. "Rio Jaru" A 65 Rio Jaru (Upper Rio Madeira, Brazil)
A. sp. "Xipamanu" A 66 Rio Xipamanu/Chipamanu
(Upper Rio Abunã, Brazil)




    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. cinilabra A. sp. "Schwarzbrust/
A. sp. "2000-1"(Panduro);
A. sp. "Roterpunkt/
A. sp. "Doña Martina"
A 80 Río Itaya drainage near Nauta (Peru)
A. eunotus

   A. cf. eunotus (Shahuaya)

A 73
Middle Río Ucayali (Peru)

Río Shahuaya (near Pucallpa, Peru)
A. cf. eunotus
A 76 Lower Río Ucayali
(between Nauta & Iquitos, Peru)
A. cf. eunotus

   A. cf. eunotus (Santa Ana)
A. sp. "Willy" (in trade,
not same as Aqualog);
A. sp. "Orange";
A. sp. "Red & Brown";
A. sp. "Rummy Nose";
A. sp. "Red";
A. sp. "Paracas";
A. sp. "Jumbo"
A 75

A 74
Lower Río Ucayali (Peru)

Lower Río Ucayali (near Santa Ana, Peru)
A. cf. eunotus (Puerto Nariño)    - Río Amazonas (near Leticia, Colombia)
A. cf. eunotus (Río Huallaga)    - Río Huallaga (near Tarapoto, Peru)
A. cf. eunotus

   A cf. eunotus (Huanta)
A. sp. aff. eunotus (Koslowski);
A. sp. "Albertini"
A 77

Lower Río Ucayali (Peru)?

Lower Río Orosa near Huanta (Peru)
A. cf. eunotus (Saramiriza/Rio Morona) = A. sp. "Morona"?    - Upper Río Marañon (Peru)
A. cf. eunotus (Shishita)    - Middle Río Shishita (Peru)
A. sp. aff. eunotus (Colombia) = A. cf. sp. "Nadelstreifen/
   - Río Amazonas (near Leticia, Colombia)
A. sp. "Alto Tapiche"

   A. cf. sp. "Alto Tapiche"
      (Double-tipped Caudal)
A. sp. "Río Tapiche"    -

Upper Río Tapiche (Peru)

Río Tapiche & Río Blanco (Peru)
A. sp. "Belén"    - Lower Río Itaya near Belén (Peru)
A. sp. "Cenepa"    - Upper Río Marañon (Peru)
A. sp. "D16"    - Rio Jutai (Brazil)
A. sp. "Gálvez" = A. sp. "Spaltenfleck/
   - Río Gálvez (Peru)
A. sp. "Jandiatuba"    - Rio Jandiatuba (Brazil)
A. sp. "Morona" = A. cf. eunotus
(Saramiriza/Rio Morona)?
   - Río Morona, Peru
A. sp. "Nadelstreifen/Needle-stripes" A 78 Río Amazonas (near Leticia, Colombia)
A. cf. sp. "Nadelstreifen/Needle-stripes" = A. sp. aff. eunotus
   - Río Amazonas (near Leticia, Colombia)
A. sp. "Roter" A. (cf.) cinilabra
(with no caudal pattern);
A. sp. "KM 77"
   - Río Itaya drainage near Nauta (Peru)
A. sp. "Spaltenfleck/Split-spot" = A. sp. "Gálvez"?    - Unknown; exported from Peru
A. sp. "Tahuayo" A. eunotus (Chang, 1996);
A. eunotus (Römer, 1998 & 2000 in part)
A 79 Río Tahuayo (Lower Río Ucayali, Peru)
A. sp. "Yasuni"    - Undisclosed, Peru or Ecuador




    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. aguarico    - Río Lagartococha, Middle Río Aquarico,
A. cf. aguarico (Cuyabeno Reserve)    - Río Aquarico, Ecuador
(west of Pantoja, Peru)
A. cf. aguarico (Güeppí Reserve) A. sp. "Swordtail-Cruzi"    - Río Aquanegro (north of Pantoja, Peru)
A. cruzi A 83 Río Mazán (Lower Río Napo, Peru)
A. cf. cruzi (San Rafael) A. sp. "Triangle Caudal Spot"    - Lower Río Cururay near San Rafael (Peru)
A. cf. cruzi (Vaca Cocha)    - Middle Río Napo
(near Nueva Bella Vista, Peru)
A. sp. aff. cruzi (Picuruyacu) = A. sp. "Nanay"?    - Lakes beside the Río Picurayacu
(Iquitos, Peru)
A. playayacu = A. sp. "Blutaugen/
= A. sp. "Caqueta"?
   - Upper Río Napo (Ecuador & Peru)
A. sp. "Achuar"    - Unknown location in the border area of Peru/Ecuador
A. sp. "Blutaugen/Blood-eyes" = A. playayacu?
= A. sp. "Caqueta"?
   - Río Playayacu (Ecuador/Peru border)
A. sp. "Caqueta" = A. playayacu?
= A. sp. "Blutaugen/
A 84 Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "D2"

   A. sp. "D2b"

Río Caquetá (Colombia)

Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "D5"    - Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "D8"    - Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "D15"    - Upper Río Putumayo;
(Puerto Leguízamo, Colombia)
A. sp. "Galaxis" = A. sp. "Nanay" (Melgar)?;
= A. sp. "Putumayo"?
   - Río Amazonas near Iquitos (Peru)
(Commercially used for several species)
A. sp. "Nanay" A. sp. "Melgar";
A. sp. "Bleeding/
A. sp. "Makurde";
A. sp. "Willy" (Aqualog)
A 82 Río Nanay (Peru)
A. cf. sp. "Nanay" (Quebrada Yanayacu)    - Lower Quebrada Yanayacu
(Lower Río Curaray, Peru)
A. sp. "Orangestreifen/
A 81 Río Nanay? (Peru)
A. sp. "Putumayo" (Algodon II)

   A. sp. "Putumayo" (Río Ampiyacu)

   A. sp. "Marandu"
A. sp. "Parallelstreifen/

A. sp. "Algodon II";
A. sp. "San Juan"
A 85

A 86

Río Algodon (Río Putumayo, Peru)

Río Ampiyacu (Peru)

Estrecho (Río Putumayo, Peru)
A. cf. sp. "Putumayo" (Red/Blue Face)    - Upper Río Napo, Ecuador/Peru border west of Pantoja (Peru)
A. sp. "Río Napo 1"    - Lower Río Napo (Peru)
A. sp. "Río Napo 3"    - Lower Río Napo (Peru)
A. sp. "Z11"    - Río Putumayo (Colombia)



A.-cruzi / A.-ortegai-Subcomplex Bridge?

    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. cf. ortegai
      (with separate caudal spot)
A. sp. "Papagei/Parrot" (with separate caudal spot) A 92 Unknown (Peru)
A. cf. ortegai (Pebas)
      (with separate caudal spot)
A. sp. "Pebas" (with separate caudal spot) A 90 Río Ampiyacu (Pebas, Peru)
A. cf. ortegai (Sumón) A. sp. "Montenegro" A 92? Middle Río Yahuasyacu/Lower Río Sumón (Peru)
A. sp. "Ticuna" A. sp. "Girasol"    - Undisclosed




    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. amoena = A. cf. ortegai (Pebas)?    - Río Ampiyacu near Pebas (Peru)
A. ortegai A. sp. "Papagei/Parrot";
A. sp. "Algodon I";
A. sp. "Galaxis";
A. sp. "Algunas";
A. sp. "Nanay" (Römer);
A. sp. "Papagallo";
A. sp. "Frank";
A. sp. "Larinus II";
A. sp. "Larrini"
A 91 Quebrada Paucaryacu,
Middle Río Ampiyacu (Peru)
A. cf. ortegai (Emerald Pebas) A. sp. "Emerald"    - Not disclosed; river between Orán
and Pebas (Peru)
A. cf. ortegai (Pebas)

   A. cf. ortegai (Morado/Purple)

   A. cf. ortegai (Naronha)
A. sp. "Pebas";
A sp. "Ampiyacu";
A. sp. "Dolly";
A. sp. "Big-foot"

A. sp. "Pebas" (Morado/Purple);
A. sp. "Morado"

A. sp. "Pebas" (Naronha)
A 87

A 89

A 88
Río Ampiyacu (Pebas, Peru)

Río Ampiyacu (Pebas, Peru)

Río Ampiyacu (Pebas, Peru)
A. cf. ortegai (Roca Eterna) A. sp. "Roca Eterna";
A. sp. "Río Napo 2"
   - Undisclosed left bank (northern) tributaries between the Lower Río Napo and Pebas (Peru)
A. sp. "Totoya"    - Río Algodon (Peru)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. alacrina    - Río Ariari (Río Guaviare, Colombia)
A. cf. alacrina (Caguán)    - Río Caguán (Upper Río Caquetá, Colombia)
A. cf. alacrina (Caño Cristales) = A. sp. "Puerto Nariño"?    - Río Caño Cristales (Middle Guayabero, Colombia)
A. cf. alacrina (Caquetá) 1 = A. cf. alacrina (Orteguaza)?    - Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. cf. alacrina (Caquetá) 2    - Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. cf. alacrina (Caquetá) 3    - Río Caquetá(Colombia)
A. cf. alacrina (Guayas) A. sp. "Rotpunkt" (Guayas);
A. sp. "Florencia";
A. sp. "Red-point II";
A. sp. "Caquetá 2";
A. sp. "D18";
A. sp. "Pseudo-Kullanderi";
A 108 Río Guayas (Upper Río Caquetá, Colombia)
A. cf. alacrina
   (Orteguaza/Paratype Form)
A. sp. "Rotpunkt" (Ortuguaza);
A. sp. "Montañita";
A. sp. "Red-point I";
A. sp. "Caquetá 1"
= A. cf. alacrina (Caquetá) 1?
A 107 Río Orteguaza (Upper Río Caquetá, Colombia)
A. cf. alacrina (Putumayo)    - Upper Río Putumayo (Colombia)
A. cf. alacrina (Rotpunkt) A. sp. "Blue-cheek";
= A. sp. "Puerto Nariño"?;
A. sp. "Schwarzsaum/
A. sp. "weisei"
A 106 Upper Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. cf. alacrina (Tena)    - Tributaries of the Río Napo near Tena (Ecuador)
A. sp. "D1"    - Upper Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "D4"    - Upper Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "D56" = A. sp. "Ouaou"?    - Río Içana drainage (Colombia, Brazil)
A. sp. "D58"    - Middle Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "D59"    - Middle Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "Kiemenfleck/Gill-spot"

   A. sp. "Kiemenfleck/Gill-spot"
                                  (Vaupés 1)

   A. sp. "Kiemenfleck/Gill-spot"
                                  (Vaupés 2)
A. sp. "D37"

A. sp. "D37" (Vaupés 1)

A. sp. "D37" (Vaupés 2)


Upper Río Inirida (Colombia)

Upper Río Vaupés (Colombia)

Upper Río Vaupés (Colombia)
A. sp. "Ouaou" = A. sp. "D56"?    - Unknown location in Colombia



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. sp. "D53"    - Southern tributary of the Río Vaupés
(Mitú, Colombia)
A. sp. "D55"    - Río Inirida drainage (Colombia)
A. sp. "D64" = A. sp. "Mitu"?    - Río Vaupés drainage (Colombia)
A. sp. "Mitu"

    A. cf. sp. "Mitu" (Redbelly)
A. sp. "Río Vaupés";
A. sp. "D6";
A. sp. "Slender Gold"

A. sp. "Rising Sun"
A 109

Río Vaupés (Mitú, Colombia)

Río Vaupés drainage (Colombia)

Apistogramma-alacrina-Group / Apistogramma-macmasteri-Group Bridge?

    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. sp. "Rautenband/Diamond-band" A. cf. helkeri;
A. sp. aff. "Mitu"
   - Río Vaupés (Colombia), Rio Tiquié (Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. helkeri    - Lower Río Sipapo (Lower Río Cuao) Venezuela
A. hongsloi

   A. hongsloi (Rotstrich/Red-streak)

A. sp. "Rotstrich/Red-streak"

A 110
Río Guarrojo (Río Vichada drainage, Colombia)
A. cf. hongsloi (Capanaparo) A 111 Río Capanaparo;
Río Suapore, (Venezuela)?
A. cf. hongsloi (Cataniapo)

   A. cf. hongsloi (Maripa)
A. hongsloi (Río Cataniapo) A 113

A 114
Río Cataniapo (Venezuela)
(east of Porto Ayacucho, Colombia)

Lower Río Caura (near Maripa);
Near Las Guabinas (Venezuela)?
A. cf. hongsloi (Gold-orange) A. hongsloi
"A. pleurotaenia" (mis-ID)
A 115 Río Claro?; Cinaruco? (Venezuela)
A. cf. hongsloi (Grau/Gray)    - Colombia
A. cf. hongsloi (Paratype/NRM11236)    - Caño Perro (near Finca Icaparai, Río Meta drainage, Colombia)
A. cf. hongsloi (Río Claro) A 112 Río Claro (Venezuela)
A. sp. "Hama-hong" A. cf. helkeri    - Río Muco drainage (Colombia)




    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. macmasteri (wild yellow)

   A. macmasteri
      (Rotrücken/Red Shouldered Mac)
A. sp. "Giant Yellow";
A. sp. "Red & Yellow"

"A. ornatipinnis" (mis-ID);
A. sp. "Red & Blue";
A. sp. "Canoga Park";
A. sp. "Flame";
A. sp. "Meteor"
A 120

A 121
Upper Río Meta (Colombia)

Upper Río Meta (Colombia)
A. cf. macmasteri/viejita A 122 Imported from Colombia.
Possibly a wild hybrid (?)
A. viejita A. sp. "Rotsaum/Red-seam";
A. viejita Color Form I
A 123 Upper Río Meta (Puerto Gaitán, Colombia)
A. sp. "D21"    - Near Puerto Carreño (Colombia)
A. sp. "D23" = A. sp. "D25"?    - Río Vichada drainage (Colombia)
A. sp. "D24"    - Colombia
A. sp. "D25" = A. sp. "D23"?    - Río Vichada drainage (Colombia)
A. sp. "D26"    - Colombia
A. sp. "D27"    - Colombia
A. sp. "D28"    - Colombia
A. sp. "D29" = A. sp. "D30"?    - Colombia
A. sp. "D30" = A. sp. "D29"?    - Colombia
A. sp. "D31"    - Colombia
A. sp. "D32"    - Colombia
A. sp. "D33"    - Colombia
A. sp. "D34"    - Colombia
A. sp. "D54"    - Río Inirida drainage, Colombia
A. sp. "D62" = A. sp. "D62"(2023)?
= A. sp. "D62"(2024)?
   - Río Guaviare drainage, Colombia
A. cf. sp. "D62"(2023) = A. sp. "D62"?
= A. sp. "D62" (2024)?
   - Río Guaviare drainage, Colombia
A. cf. sp. "D62"(2024) = A. sp. "D62"?
= A. sp. "D62"(2023)?
   - Río Guaviare drainage, Colombia
A. sp. "Manacacias"    - Colombia
A. sp. "Nana"    - Colombia?
A. sp. "Rotflecken/Red-flecked" "A. viejita" Color Form II;
= A. sp. "Schwarzkehl/Black-
A 125 Headwaters between Río Muco and Río Guarrojo (Upper Río Vichada, Colombia)
A. sp. "Schuppenfleck/Scale-spot"    - Lower Orinoco, Colombia? Venezuela?
(Possibly a wild hybrid?)
A. sp. "Schwarzkehl/Black-throat" "A. viejita" Color Form III;
= A. sp. "Rotflecken/Red-
A 124 Upper Rio Manacacias, (Upper Rio Meta, Colombia)
A. sp. "Zickzack/Zigzag" A. sp. "Kolumbien" A 127 Colombia




    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. caudomaculata    - Lower Río Orinoco (Ríos Candela, Arature, Upata and Caura, Venezuela)
A. hoignei

   A. hoignei
      (Broad Red Caudal Stripes)

   A. hoignei (Tinaquillo)
A 116

A 118

A 116
Lower - Middle Río Orinoco (Venezuela)

Río Portuguesa Venezuela?

Near Tinaquillo (Venezuela)
A. cf. hoignei (Cumaribo)    - Río Vichada drainage (Colombia)
A. cf. hoignei (Puerto Carreño)    - Río Orinoco drainage, Puerto Carreño area (Colombia)
A. cf. hoignei (Río Arauca) A. sp. "Tamé"

= A. sp. "D13"?;
= A. sp. "D17"?;
= A. sp. "Casanare"?
A 117

Río Tamé (Upper Río Arauca, Colombia)

Río Casanare, near Tamé (Colombia)
A. intermedia    - Lower Río Orinoco between Río Caura & delta (Venezuela)
A. nororientalis A. hoignei (Uracoa)    - Gulf of Paria (Río San Juan) and lower
Río Orinoco; Río Uracoa (Venezuela)
A. pedunculata = A. sp. "D7"?    - Upper & Middle Río Cataniapo, Río Fao (Venezuela)
A. cf. pedunculata
(Río Caura/Paratype form)
A. sp. "Río Caura" A 119 Río Caura, Río Sipao and Río Tiquire (Venezuela)
A. sp. "D7" = A. pedunculata?    - Río Vichada, Cumaribo (Colombia)
A. sp. "D12" A. sp. "Guainia";
A. sp. "Guaviare";

A. sp. "Pacman";
= A. sp. "D19"?
   - Río Vichada drainage (Colombia)?
Northern tributaries to
the Río Guaviare (Colombia)?
Southern tributaries to
the Río Guaviare?
A. cf. sp. "D12" (Caño Orotoy)    - Caño Orotoy, Río Meta (Colombia)
A. sp. "D36"    - Southern tributaries to
the Río Guaviare (Colombia)
A. sp. "D47" A. sp. "Cucunuven";
A. sp. "Coconuevo";
A. sp. "Cunoben"
   - Río Guaviare (Colombia)
A. cf. sp. "Pacman" (Japan) A. cf. sp. "D12";
A. sp. "Caño Iraca"
   - Caño Iraca (Colombia)



Affiliation Uncertain

    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. guttata

   A. sp. "Hochflossen/High-finned"

"A. reitzigi" (mis-ID)
A 126

Río Morichal Largo (Orinoco delta, Venezuela)

Unknown (Venezuela)?
A. sp. "Casanare" A. cf. guttata "Casanare";
A. sp. "Macguttata";
= A. cf. hoignei (Arauca)?;
= A. sp. "D13"?;
= A. sp. "D17"?
   - Río Casanare (Río Meta system, Colombia)
A. sp. "D13" = A. cf. hoignei (Arauca)?;
= A. sp. "D17"?;
= A. sp. "Casanare"?
   - Río Casanare, near Tamé (Colombia)
A. sp. "D17" = A. cf. hoignei (Arauca)?;
= A. sp. "D13"?;
= A. sp. "Casanare"?
   - Río Casanare, near Arauca, Colombia
A. sp. "D19" = A. sp. "D12"?    - Río Vichada drainage (Colombia)
A. sp. "D35"    - Colombia



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. hippolytae A. sp. "Zweipunkt/Two-spot" A 134 Lower - Middle Rio Negro;
Rio Manacapuru (Brazil)
A. cf. hippolytae (Rio Tefé) A 135 Rio Tefé (Brazil)
A. cf. hippolytae (Rio Trombetas) A 133 Middle Rio Trombetas (Brazil)
A. rupununi

   A. cf. rupununi (Boa Vista)

   A. cf. rupununi (Rio Anauá)
A. "ortmanni rupununi";
A. sp. "Zweifleck/Two-patch"
A 130

A 131

A 132
Rio Branco (Brazil)

Upper Rio Branco (Brazil)

Rio Anauá (Middle Rio Branco, Brazil)
A. steindachneri A. ornatipinnis;
A. wickleri;
A. ortmanni (mis-identification)
A 138 Guyana;
E. Venezuela
A. cf. steindachneri (Río Cuyuni) A 139 Río Cuyuni (Venezuela)
A. sp. "Rio Preto" (do Candeias) A. sp. "Rio Preto de Candeias" A 136 Rio Preto do Candeias (Upper Rio Madeira, Brazil)
A. sp. "Rupununi-Savanne" A 137 Upper Essequibo River (Guyana);
Upper Rio Branco (Brazil)

Apistogramma wapisana

    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. wapisana A. sp. "Balzfleck/Courting-patch" A 140 Rio Uraricuera (Upper Rio Branco), near Barcelos (Middle Rio Negro, Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. angayuara A. sp. "Trombetas 1";
A. sp. "Kupferrücken/
A. cf. pertensis (Trombetas)-
Small form

    A 145

 Not A 152
 (Mis-ID in
 DATZ book)

Middle Rio Trombetas near Porteiras (Brazil)
A. inornata

   A. cf. inornata (Guariquito)
A. sp. "Maniapuré";
A. sp. "Piacoa"

A. sp. "Guariquito"
A 142

A 143
Río Maniapuré; Río Tiquiré;
Piacoa (Venezuela)

Río Guariquito (Middle Río Orinoco, Venezuela)
A. meinkeni A 144 Middle Rio Uaupés (Brazil)
A. minima

   A. sp. "D20"
A. sp. "Weißsaum/White-seam";
A. sp. "Minima";
A. sp. "Tavi"
A 141

Upper - Middle Río Orinoco between Puerto Ayacucho & San Fernando de Atabapo (Venezuela & Colombia)

Puerto Carreño area (Colombia)
A. pertensis A. sp. "Rusty" A 146 Manaus? (Brazil)
A. cf. pertensis (Lower Amazon)

   A. cf. pertensis (Arapiuns)

   A. cf. pertensis (Curuá)

   A. cf. pertensis (Curumu)

   A. cf. pertensis (Parantins)

   A. cf. pertensis (Pimental)

   A. cf. pertensis (Trombetas)

A. sp. "Pimental"

A. cf. pertensis (Trombetas)
   Large form

A 149




A 150

A 152
Lower Amazon between the Rio
Trombetas and the Rio Curuá (Brazil)

Lower Rio Arapiuns (Brazil)

Rio Curuá (Brazil)

Lago and Rio Curumu between Óbidos
and Oriximiná (Brazil)

Near Parantins (Brazil)

Rio Pimental (Lower Rio Tapajós, Brazil)

Lower Rio Trombetas (Brazil)
A. cf. pertensis (Middle Amazon)

   A. cf. pertensis (Lago Janauacá)

   A. cf. pertensis (Lower Negro)

   A. cf. pertensis (sp. aff. meinkeni)

A. pertensis (mis-ID)

A. sp. aff. "meinkeni"
(Römer CA2)


A 147

Lower and Middle Rio Negro and
Lower Rio Madeira (Brazil)

Lago Janauacá
(Lower Rio Madeira, Brazil)

Lower Rio Negro (Brazil)

Middle Rio Negro? (Brazil)
A. cf. pertensis
A. sp. "Orangesaum/
A 151 Río Ventuari (Guachapana, Venezuela)
A. cf. pertensis (Preto do Unini) A. pertensis (Römer)    - Rio Preto do Unini
(Middle Rio Negro, Brazil)
A. cf. pertensis (Solimões)

   A. cf. pertensis (Japurá)

   A. cf. pertensis (Tefé)

A. pertensis (mis-ID)


A 148
Middle Rio Solimões (Brazil)

Lower Rio Japurá (Brazil)

Lower Rio Tefé and Lago Tefé (Brazil)
A. sp. "D48"    - Río Guaviare drainage, Colombia
A. sp. "Erdfresser/Earth-eater"
   (with pronounced lateral spot)

   A. cf. sp. "Erdfresser/Earth-eater"
      (without pronounced lateral spot)
A. pulchra (mis-ID)

A. sp. "Lyretail Purus";
A. sp. "Rondonia"
A 155

A 154
Upper-Lower Rio Purus;

Upper-Lower Rio Purus (Brazil);
Lago Manacapuru (Brazil)?
A. sp. "Schwanzzipfel/Tail-point" A. cf. pertensis (Upper Negro Lancetail) A 153 Upper Rio Negro (Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. velifera A. sp. "Vierstreifen/Four-stripes";
= A. sp. "Ventuari 1"?
A 163 Middle Río Orinoco (Venezuela) to Middle Uaupés? (Brazil)
A. sp. "D40" = A. sp. "Ventuari 1"?    - Río Guaviare (Colombia)
A. sp. "Putzer/Cleaner" A. sp. "São Gabriel Lyretail";
A. sp. "San Gabriel"
A 162 Upper Rio Negro (São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Brazil)


    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. flabellicauda A. uaupesi (Bork)
    A 156
(Bork Photo)
Upper Río Orinoco between Río Ventuari
& Río Autana (Venezuela);
Rio Uaupés (Brazil)
A. cf. flabellicauda

   A. sp. "D42"
A. uaupesi (Bork)

= A. sp. "D44"?

Upper Río Negro (Brazil, Colombia);
Rio Uaupés (Brazil)

Upper Río Negro (Colombia)
A. iniridae

   A. cf. iniridae
      (w/red gill cover markings)
A. sp. "Fadenflossen/
A 159

A 160
Lower Río Inirida (Lower Río Guaviare, Colombia)

Upper Orinoco (Colombia)
A. lineata A. sp. "Ventuari 2"    - Río Atabapo from mouth to Río Atacavi (Colombia & Venezuela);
Lower & Middle Río Ventuari (Venezuela)
A. uaupesi A. sp. "Rotkeil/Red-wedge";
A. sp. "Arica";
A. sp. "Ararira";
A. sp. "Felsen/Rock"
A 156 Río Uaupés/Vaupés (Brazil/Colombia)
A. sp. "Blutkehl/Cutthroat" A 157 Río Atabapo; Lower Río Inirida;
Lower Río Guaviare (Colombia)
A. sp "D44" = A. cf. flabellicauda?;    - Upper Río Negro (Colombia)
A. sp "D51"    - Eastern Colombia
A. sp. "Içana" A 161 Rio Içana (Upper Rio Negro, Brazil)
A. sp. "Río Casiquiare" = A. sp. "D42"?    - Río Casiquiare (Venezuela)
A. sp. "Segelflossen/Sail-fin"

   A. sp. "Autana"
A 158

Middle Río Orinoco (Venezuela)

Río Autana (Venezuela)
A. cf. sp. "Segelflossen/Sail-fin"
   - Upper Río Guaviare (Colombia)
A. cf. sp. "Segelflossen/Sail-fin"
   - Río Muco near Puerto Gaitán (Colombia)
A. sp. "Snow White" = A. flabellicauda?    - Upper Río Atabapo (Colombia/Venezuela)
A. sp. "Z12"    - Claimed to be from the Río Inirida drainage (Colombia)



Ancestral Apistogramma-trifasciata-Lineage species

    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. arua A. sp. "Aruã" A 170 Rio Arapiuns (Lower Rio Tapajós, Brazil)
A. salpinction A. sp. "Upper Trombetas";
A. sp. "Trombetas 2"
A 173 Middle Rio Trombetas (Brazil)
A. cf. salpinction (Itapeaçu)    - Mouth of Rio Madeira
near Itapeaçu (Brazil)
A. sp. "Doppelfleck/Double-spot" A 192 Rio Jatapu; Rio Negro? (Brazil)
A. cf. sp. "Doppelfleck/Double-spot"    - Rio Purus (Brazil)


    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. brevis A 168 Rio Uaupés (Brazil)
A. megaptera A. cf. "Breitbinden (Kurzlappen)/
A. brevis (mis-ID)
A 166 Ríos Inirida and Mavaca (Colombia);
Río Sipapo System (Venezuela);
Upper Rio Negro?(Exported from São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Brazil)
A. personata A 171 Lower Río Uaupés (Brazil)
A. cf. personata (Caquetá/Japurá) = A. cf. personata (Jirijirimo
   - Río Caquetá/Japurá (Colombia/Brazil)
A. cf. personata (Mitú-Cuduyari)

   A. cf. personata (South of Mitú)
A. personata (Mitú)

A. cf. personata (Colombia)
A 172

Río Cuduyari (Middle Río Vaupés near
Mitú, Colombia)

Southern tributaries of Rio Vaupés near
Mitú (Colombia)
A. cf. personata (Içana)    - Río Içana (Colombia/Brazil)
A. cf. personata (Inirida)    - Río Inirida (Colombia)
A. cf. personata (Jirijirimo Falls) = A. cf. personata
   - Jirijirimo Falls, Río Apaporis
A. piaroa

   A. cf. piaroa (Staeck)
A. sp. "Breitbinden/Broad-banded";
A. sp. "Caño Morrocoy"

A. cf. sp. "Breitbinden" (Staeck)
A 164

A 167
Upper Rio Negro (Brazil);
Upper Río Orinoco (Colombia, Venezuela)

Imported from Colombia
A. cf. piaroa (Rio Negro) A. sp. "Windisch";
A. sp. "Breitbinden" (São
A. sp. "Schwanzfleck/Tail-spot"
= A. sp. "D41"?
= A. sp. "D45"?
A 165 Upper Rio Negro (Brazil, Colombia)
A. cf. piaroa (Yellow Breitbinden) A. sp. "D11"    - Río Vichada, Cumaribo (Colombia)
A. sp. "Alto Vaupes I" A. sp. "D39"    - Upper Río Vaupés (Colombia)
A. sp. "D41"

   A. sp. "D45"
= A. cf. piaroa (Rio Negro)?    -

Upper Río Negro (Colombia)

Upper Río Negro (Colombia)
A. sp. "Tiquié" A. sp. "Tiquié 1" A 169 Rio Tiquié (Middle Rio Uaupes, Brazil)
A. sp. "Yellow-chin"    - Río Içana (Brazil, Colombia)?


    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. sp. "Alto Vaupes II" A. sp. "D50";
A. sp. "Unibrow"
   - Upper Río Vaupés (Colombia)
A. sp. "D10"    - Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "D63" = A. sp. "D10"?    - Río Vaupés drainage (Colombia)
A. sp. "Jirijirimo"    - Jirijirimo waterfall, Middle Río Apaporis (Colombia)


    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. allpahuayo A. sp. "Schwarzkinn/Black-chin";
A. juruensis (mis-ID);
A. sp. aff. juruensis;
A. sp. "Pucallpa";
A. sp. "Fanta";
A. sp. "Diamante"
A 198

A 199
Río Pintoyacu (Upper Río Nanay)
near Diamante Azul, (Peru).

The species is probably artificially introduced to Pucallpa area, Iquitos area and lower Río Ucayali (Peru)
A. cacatuoides Großmaul Apistogramma;
Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid;
A. borellii (mis-ID)
   - Type locality unknown
Río Ucayali & Amazonas (Peru)?;
Rio Solimões (Brazil)?
A. cf. cacatuoides (Aguaytia)    - Upper Río Aguaytia near Aguaytia (Peru)
A. cf. cacatuoides (Anori)    - Lakes & rivers near Anori (Brazil)
A. cf. cacatuoides (Careiro)    - Lago do Castanho near Careiro (Brazil)
A. cf. cacatuoides (Chicosa)    - Upper Río Ucayali south of Pucallpa (Peru)
A. cf. cacatuoides (Leticia)    - Colombian Amazon near Leticia (Colombia)
A. cf. cacatuoides (Lower Ucayali)

   A. cf. cacatuoides (Río Pacaya)

   A. cf. cacatuoides (Río Tapiche)


Lower Río Ucayali to mouth of
Río Napo (Peru);

Río Pacaya (Peru)

Río Tapiche (Peru)
A. cf. cacatuoides (Pucallpa)

   A. cf. cacatuoides
      (Lower Río Aguaytia)

   A. cf. cacatuoides (Río Neshuya)
= A. sp. "Superorbital"?    -


Upper Río Ucayali near Pucallpa

Lower Río Aguaytia north of Pucallpa

Río Neshuya west of Pucallpa (Peru)
A. cf. cacatuoides (Rio Corrientes)    - Río Corrientes (Peru)
A. cf. cacatuoides (Rio Juruá) A 201 Lower Rio Juruá (Brazil)
A. cf. cacatuoides (Rio Manacapuru)
   Blue lips

   A. cf. cacatuoides (Rio Manacapuru)
      Yellow lips
   - Rio Manacapuru (Brazil)

Rio Manacapuru (Brazil)
A. cf. cacatuoides (Río Napo)    - Río Napo between Río Curaray
and Río Aquarico (Peru)
A. cf. cacatuoides (Río Putumayo)

   A. cf. cacatuoides ((Estrecho)

   A. cf. cacatuoides (Puerto Leguizamo)

   A. cf. cacatuoides (Río Algodon)
A 202



Río Putumayo (Peru/Colombia);

Río Putumayo near Estrecho (Peru)

Upper Río Putumayo near Puerto
Leguizamo (Colombia)

Lower Rio Algodon (Peru)
A. juruensis A 197 Upper Rio Juruá (Cruzeiro do Sul, Brazil)
A. luelingi

   A. cf. luelingi
      (Puerto Maldonado)
A 195

A 196
Río Madre de Dios (Peru/Bolivia);
Upper Río Mamoré (Bolivia)

Puerto Maldonado (Peru)
A. cf. luelingi (Cristal) A. sp. "Cristal";
= A. sp. "Bolivia Gold"?
   - Río Madre de Dios near Puerto Maldonado (Peru)
A. sororcula A. cf. staecki (Guaporé);
A. sp. "Río Guaporé";
A. sp. "Guaporé 2"
A 193 Upper & Lower Río Guaporé (Bolivia & Brazil)
A. staecki A. sp. "Querstreifen/
A 194 Lower Río Mamoré (Bolivia & Brazil)
A. sp. "Bolivia Gold" = A. cf. luelingi (Cristal)?    - Río Madre de Dios (Bolivia)
A. sp. "Cruzeiro" A. sp. "Goias Redtail";
A. sp. "Juruá";
A. sp. "Juruá Emerald"
A 191 Rio Juruá (Pernambuco, Brazil)
A. sp. "D57" = A. sp. "Solano"?    - Middle Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "Puerto Morona"    - Upper Río Morona (Peru/Ecuador)
A. sp. "Rocafuerte" A. sp. "Shally"    - Upper Río Napo between Rocafuerte
(Ecuador) and Pantoja (Peru)
A. sp. "Solano" A. cf. cacatuoides (Solano);
= A. sp. "D57"?
   - Middle Río Caqueta (Colombia)
A. sp. "Superorbital" A. cf. cacatuoides (Río Acre);
= A. cf. cacatuoides (Pucallpa)?
   - Río Jaquiarana (Peru)?
Rio Purus (Peru/Brazil)?
Rio Javari? (Peru/Brazil)


    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. baenschi A. sp. "Inka/Inca";
A. sp. "Inka 50";
A. sp. "Hifin nijsseni"(1)
A 188 Middle Río Huallaga
(between Tarapoto & Yurimaguas, Peru)
A. feconat A. sp. "Zwilling/Twin";
A. sp. "Hifin nijsseni" (2);
A. cf. payaminonis (Melgar)
A 181 Upper & Middle Río Tigre (Peru)
A. martini A. sp. "Leierschwanz";
A. sp. "Gabelschwanz II – Blue"
A 187 Upper Río Nanay (Peru)
A. nijsseni   A 180 Small quebradas east of Jenaro Herrera,
Río Ucayali drainage, Peru
A. panduro

   A. cf. panduro
      (striped tail/long caudal spot)

   A. cf. panduro
      (striped tail/red dorsal blotch)
A. sp. "Pandurini";
A. sp. "Blue-sky"
A 183

A 184

A 185
Río Tahuayo (Lower Río Ucayali, Peru)

Río Tamshiyacu (Lower Río Ucayali)

Río Tamshiyacu (Lower Río Ucayali)?
A. pantalone A. sp. "Lyretail panduro";
A. sp. "Leierschwanz";
A. sp. "Gabelschwanz Color
Form I – Yellow";
A. sp "Peru" (3)
A 186 Upper Río Nanay (Peru)
A. payaminonis   A 179 Upper Río Napo (Ecuador);
Upper Río Aguarico (Equador/Colombia)
A. rositae A. sp. "Harlekin/Harlequin";
A. sp. "Urias";
A. sp. "Hifin panduro";
A. sp. "Black-triangle";
= A. sp. "Bolivia Fire-Fin"?
A 189 Middle and Lower Río Marañon & mouth of Río Huallaga (Peru)
A. wolli A. cf. payaminonis (Pantoja);
A. cf. payaminonis (Kästner);
A. cf. payaminonis (Peru)
A 178 Upper Río Napo near Pantoja,
Peru/Ecuador border
A. sp. "Bolivia Fire-Fin" = A. rositae?    - Unknown, Río Madre de Dios (Bolivia)?
A. sp. "Bobonaza"    - Upper Río Pastaza (Peru/Ecuador)
A. sp. "D3" A. cf. payaminonis (Colombia)    - Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "Ladislao" A. sp. "Cenepa II";
A. sp. "Solis"
   - Upper Río Marañon (Peru)
A. sp. "Macusari"    - Río Tigre drainage (Peru)
A. sp. "Matses" A. sp. "nijsseni-New"
(no tail pattern)
   - Río Gálvez (Peru)
A. sp. "Oregon" A. sp. "Jav" A 182 Middle Río Itaya (Peru)
A. sp. "Rosa Ines 1"    - Peru
A. sp. "Rosa Ines 2"    - Peru


    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. norberti A. sp. "Großmaul/Big-mouth" A 190 Río Tamshiyacu, Río Tahuayo
(Lower Río Ucayali, Peru)
A. cf. norberti (Lyretail) A. cf. norberti (Leticia);
A. sp. "New 2";
A. sp. "Jutai New 2";
A. sp. "High-fin-norberti";
A. sp. "Tabatinga"
   - Tributaries of the Amazon between
Leticia (Colombia) and Rio Jutai (Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. atahualpa

    A. cf. atahualpa (w/tail spots)
A. sp. affin. payaminonis;
A. sp. "Sunset/Sunset-norberti";
A. sp. "Goldbauch/Gold-belly"

A. sp. aff. atahualpa (Melgar)
(w/tail spots)
A 175

A 176
Río Nanay (Llanchama, Peru)

Río Nanay (Peru)
A. huascar

   A. cf. huascar (Christoffersen)
A. cf. atahualpa
(Schwanzzipfel/ Tail-points);
A. sp. "Sun-pin";
A. sp. "Sunrise"
A 177

Río Nanay (Peru)

Unknown; probably Río Nanay (Peru)
A. cf. huascar (Aleman)    - Undisclosed; Upper Río Tapiche (Peru)
A. cf. huascar (Gálvez) A. sp. "Batan"    - Río Gálvez (Peru)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. barlowi A. sp. "Maulbrüter/Mouthbrooder";
"Half Orange Tail"
A 174 Río Ampiyacu (Peru)
A. megastoma A. sp. "Kelleri";
A. sp. "Leticia";
A. sp. "Jutai";
A. cf. sp. "Kelleri" (Jutai);
A. sp. "Diamond-face"
   - Leticia, (Colombia);
Rio Jutai (Brazil)?
A. sp. aff. barlowi (Albertini) A. sp. "Tony"    - Río Amazonas drainage, east of Pebas (Peru)
A. sp. aff. barlowi (Oran)    - Undisclosed river east of Oran (Peru)
A. sp. aff. barlowi (Río Apayacu) A. sp. "Apayaco"    - Río Apayacu (Peru)
A. sp. "D65"    - Río Caquetá drainage (Colombia)
A. sp. "Elzeniense" A. sp. "Boca de Ouro/
   - Manaus area (Brazil)
A. sp. "Ipiranga"    - Lower Rio Putumayo (Brazil)
A. sp. "Manguari"    - Rio Japurá (Brazil)


    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. erythrura (Mamoré)

   A. erythrura (Laguna Piranha)

   A. erythrura (Rio Pacaás Novos)

   A. erythrura (Río Yata)
A. sp. "Mamoré";
A. maciliensis
A 207



Lower Río Mamoré (Brazil and Bolivia)

Laguna Piranha northwest of
Santa Ana de Yacuma (Bolivia)

Lago das Cobras, Rio Pacaás Novos

Laguna Larga, Río Yata (Bolivia)
A. cf. erythrura (Guaporé)

   A. cf. erythrura (Río Itonamas)

   A. cf. erythrura (Rio San Martin)
A. sp. "Mamoré";
A. maciliensis


Middle to Lower Río Guaporé (Bolivia)

Lakes between Lower Río Machupo
and Lower Río Itonamas (Bolivia)

Lower Rio San Martin (Bolivia)
A. trifasciata (Type specimen)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Villa Hayes)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Laguna Blanca)


Arroyo Chagalalina, east of Río Paraguay
near Villa Hayes (Paraguay)

Lakes and streams near Villa Hayes

Laguna Blanka near Concepción
A. cf. trifasciata (Lower Río Paraná)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Argentina)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Campo Alegre)
A 205


Lower Río Paraná above Santa Fe

Provinces of Misiones and Corrientes

Campo Alegre (Paraguay)
A. cf. trifasciata (Río Beni)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Río de Lajé)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Rio Pando)


Mouth of Río Beni near Riberalta

Lower Río Mamoré (Brazil)

Río Pando near Puerto Gonzalo (Bolivia)
A. cf. trifasciata (Rio Guaporé)

   A. trifasciata maciliensis

   A. cf. trifasciata (Río Itonamas)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Río Negro)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Río San Martín)
A. trifasciata "haroldschultzi";
A. maciliensis
A 206




Middle Rio Guaporé (Brazil & Bolivia)

São Antonio de Guapore (Brazil)

Middle Río Itonamas (Bolivia)

Río Negro, Río San Martín system

Río San Martín (Bolivia)
A. cf. trifasciata (Río Tebicuary)    - Río Tebicuary, Lower Río Paraguay
A. cf. trifasciata (Upper Río Guaporé)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Rio Alegre)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Vila Bela)


Upper Río Guaporé (Brazil)

Rio Alegre de Guapore (Brazil)

Vila Bela (Brazil)
A. cf. trifasciata (Upper Río Paraguay)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Laguna Mandioré)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Porto Suarez)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Puerto Quijaro)

   A. cf. trifasciata (Rio Jauru)

   A. cf. trifasciata
      (São Luiz de Caceras)



A 204


Upper Río Paraguay (Brazil and Bolivia)

Laguna Mandioré (Bolivia)

Porto Suarez (Bolivia)

Bolivian Pantanal near Puerto Quijaro

Upper Río Paraguay
(near Vila Bela, Brazil)

São Luiz de Caceras
(Río Paraguay, Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. elizabethae

   A. cf. elizabethae
A. sp. "Rußkopf/Sooty-head";
= A. sp. "Frank"?

A. elizabethae w/damaged dorsal fin?
A 208

Río Uaupés/Vaupés (Brazil/Colombia);
Rio Içana (Brazil)

Rio Negro (Brazil)?
A. gibbiceps A 209 Middle Rio Negro & Rio Branco (Brazil)
A. roraimae A 210 Río Uraricoera & Upper Rio Branco
above Boa Vista (Brazil/Guyana)
A. sp. "Maravilha"    - Lower Rio Negro (Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. mendezi (Cross-striped caudal)

   A. mendezi (Long-striped caudal)

   A. mendezi (Orange)

A. sp. "Langsstreifen/
A 221

A 220

A 222
Right side tributaries of Middle & Upper
Rio Negro (Rio Urubaxi to
São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Brazil)

Right side tributaries of Middle & Upper
Rio Negro (Barcelos to Rio Urubaxi, Brazil)

Rio Negro (Brazil)
A. paucisquamis A. sp. "Glanzbinden/
A 219 Middle & Lower Rio Negro (Brazil)
A. sp. "Gabelband/Fork-band" A. agassizii
   - Middle Rio Jaú (Rio Negro System, Brazil)
A. sp. Miuá A. sp. "Rio Uambé";
A. sp. "Rio Mabó";
A. sp. "Cacimbo";
A. sp. "Miuá" (Blue)
A 223 Upper Rio Negro (Igarapé Miuá, Uambé, & Mabóm, São Gabriel, Brazil)
A. cf. sp. Miuá (Demini) A. sp. "Miuá" (Yellow)    - Rio Demini (Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. bitaeniata Apistogramma pretense
Haseman, var. bitaeniata
   - Rio Madeira (Brazil)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Curupira)    - Igarape Curupira (Lower Rio Cunauaru, Brazil)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Leticia) = A. sweglesi?    - Tributaries of the Colombian Amazon near Leticia (Colombia)
A. bitaeniata (Lower Solimões)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Careiro)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Januari)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Madeira/Autazes)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Manacapuru)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Manaquiri)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Mamori)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Purus)

= A. cf. bitaeniata

= A. bitaeniata?

A. cf. bitaeniata (Manaus);
=A. cf. bitaeniata (Januari)?

A. cf. bitaeniata (Mamuri)




A 214



Lower Rio Solimões near Manaus

Right bank (south) tributaries of the
Amazon around Careiro da Várzea

Rio Januari, Lower Rio Negro (Brazil)

Near Autazes, Lower Rio Madeira,

Rio Manacapuru (Brazil)

Right bank (south) tributaries of
the Amazon near Manaquiri (Brazil)

Rio Mamori (Lower Madeira, Brazil)

Rio Tapauá (Rio Purus, Brazil)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Pebas)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Ampiyacu)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Curutu)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Shishita)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Shushupi)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Yahuasyacu)





Northern tributaries of the
Río Amazonas near Pebas (Peru)

Lower Río Ampiyacu near Pebas (Peru)

Río Curutu (Río Pavayacu) and Middle
Río Shishita (Peru)

Middle Río Shishita and Middle
Río Ampyacu (Peru)

Middle Río Ampiyacu (Peru)

Lower Río Yahuasyacu at Brillo Nuevo
(Middle Río Ampiyacu, Peru)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Porto Velho) = A. bitaeniata? A 216 Rio Madeira?
(Exported from Porto Velho, Brazil)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Requena)    - Tributaries of Lower Río Ucayali
around Requena (Peru)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Rio Juruá)    - Lower Rio Juruá (Brazil)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Rio Jutaí)    - Lower Rio Jutaí (Brazil)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Río Nieva)    - Río Nieva (Peru)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Río Pastaza)    - Lower Río Pastaza;
Middle Río Marañón (Peru)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Río Putumayo)    - Tributaries of Middle Río Putumayo (Peru)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Rio Tefé) = A. klausewitzi? A 213 Lower Rio Tefé (Brazil)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Río Tigre)

   A. cf. bitaeniata (Río Corrientes)

Río Tigre (Peru)

Middle Río Corrientes (Peru)
A. cf. bitaeniata (Río Yavari) A 212 Lower Río Yavari (Brazil/Peru)
A. sp. aff. bitaeniata (Iquitos area)

   A. sp. aff. bitaeniata (Mazan)

   A. sp. aff. bitaeniata (Momón)

   A. sp. aff. bitaeniata (Nanay)
A. sp. 5 (Tougard et al. 2017);
= A. kleei?



A 211
Tributaries of the Río Amazonas between
the Río Nanay and the Río Napo (Peru)

Lower Río Mazan (Peru)

Lower Río Momón (Peru)

Lower Río Nanay (Peru)
A. sp. aff. bitaeniata (Cenepa) A. sp. "Balsapuerto";
A. sp. "Floricho"
   - Upper Río Marañon (Peru)
A. sp. aff. bitaeniata (Río Maniti) A. sp. 3 (Tougard et al. 2017)    - Lower Río Maniti (Peru)
A. eremnopyge A. sp. "Fresa/Strawberry";
A. sp. "Diamante";
A. sp. "Rotbart/Red-beard";
A. sp. "Tapiche"
A 218 Río Itaya (Peru)
A. sp. aff. eremnopyge A. sp. 4 (Tougard et al. 2017)    - Río Ampiyacu(?) (Peru)
A. sp. "Caño de la Libertad" = A. sp. "D61"?    - Caño de la Libertad and nearby streams,
Río Apaporis (Colombia)
A. sp. "D9"    - Colombia
A. sp. "D14"    - Colombia
A. sp. "D60"

   A. sp. "D60" Location 5

   A. sp. "D60" Location 8
= A. sp. "D60" Locations 11 & 12?    -


Middle - Lower Río Caquetá (Colombia)

Middle Río Caquetá (Colombia)

Lower Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "D60"

   A. sp. "D60" Location 11

   A. sp. "D60" Location 12
= A. sp. "D60" Locations 5 & 8?    -


Lower Río Caquetá (Colombia)

Lower Río Caquetá (Colombia)

Lower Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "D61" = A. sp. "Caño de la Libertad"?    - Lower Río Caquetá (Colombia)
A. sp. "Orangeflossen/Orangefins" A 217 Domestic hybrid
bitaeniata x paucisquamis-Complex?



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. pulchra A. sp. "Mikschofsky" A 224 Upper Rio Madeira (Brazil)
A. cf. pulchra (Aripuanã)

   A. cf. pulchra (Chingarno)
A. sp. "Aripuanã"

A. sp. "Chingarno"
A 225

A 225a
Rio Aripuanã (Rio Madeira, Brazil)

Rio Chingarno (Lower Rio Madeira, Brazil)
A. sp. "Abacaxis"

   A. cf. sp. "Abacaxis" (Marimari)
A. sp. "Wilhelmi";
A. cf. pulchra (Abacaxis)

A. cf. pulchra (Marimari);
A. sp. "New Chingarno"
A 227

A 228
Middle Rio Abacaxis (Lower Rio
Madeira, Brazil)

Rio Marimari (Lower Rio Madeira, Brazil)
A. sp. "Branco" A. cf. pulchra (Branco);
A. sp. "Branco-pulchra"
A 226 Rio Cauamé (Upper Rio Branco near
Boa Vista, Brazil)
A. cf. sp. "Branco" (Uatumã) A. cf. pulchra (Uatumã);
A. sp. "Deep Red"
   - Rio Uatumã (East of Manaus, Brazil)


A.- pulchra- / A.-agassizii-Complex Bridge?

    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. gephyra A 231 Middle & Lower Rio Negro (Brazil)
A. cf. gephyra (Rio Curuá) A 232 Rio Curuá (Brazil)
A. cf. gephyra (Santarém) A. agassizii Santarem
S03336-4 (SAC II)
A 233 Lago Jurucuí? (Near Santarém, Brazil)?
A. sp. "Blauspiegel/Blue-spangle" A. sp. "Red-fin Rio Xingu";
A. cf. pulchra (Xingu)
A 230 Rio Xingu near Altamira (Brazil)
A. sp. "Vitória do Xingu" A. sp. "Xingu IV" A 229 Rio Xingu near Vitória do Xingu (Brazil)




    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. agassizii A 234 Lower Rio Solimões and Lower Rio Negro between Manacapuru and Manaus (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Jenaro Herrera) Cluster 1 (Estivals et al. 2020);
A. cf. agassizii (Marañon);
A. cf. agassizii (Tamshiyacu);
= A. cf. agassizii (Pastel)?;
= A. cf. agassizii
   (Río Corrientes)?;
= A. cf. agassizii
   (Rio Tapiche)?;
= A. cf. agassizii (Rio Tigre)?
A 242 Both sides of the Lower Río Ucayali/Río Marañon from Requena to the mouth of the Río Napo (Peru)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Río Nanay) Cluster 3 (Estivals et al. 2020)    - Río Nanay (Peru)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Orán) Cluster 2 (Estivals et al. 2020)    - Left bank tributaries of the Río Amazonas below the mouth of the Río Napo around Orán (Peru)
A. cf. agassizii (Angamos)    - Middle Río Yavarí near Angamos (Peru)
A. cf. agassizii (Leticia) A. agassizii (Tabatinga)    - Tributaries of Amazon near Leticia (Colombia)
A. cf. agassizii (Pastel) = A. sp. aff. agassizii
   (Jenaro Herrera)?
A 239 Lower Ucayali (near Requena & Jenaro Herrera, Río Tamshiyacu; Río Tapiche?)
A. cf. agassizii (Río Ampiyacu) A 241 Río Ampiyacu (Peru)
A. cf. agassizii (Río Corrientes) = A. sp. aff. agassizii
   (Jenaro Herrera)?
   - Río Corrientes (Peru)
A. cf. agassizii (Rio Japurá)    - Lower Rio Japurá (Brazil)
A. cf. agassizii (Rio Juruá)    - Lower Rio Juruá (Brazil)
A. cf. agassizii (Rio Purus) A 238 Upper Rio Purus (Brazil)
A. cf. agassizii (Rio Putumayo)    - Middle Río Putumayo (Peru)
A. cf. agassizii (Rio Tapiche) = A. sp. aff. agassizii
   (Jenaro Herrera)?
   - Upper Río Tapiche near Santa Elena
A. cf. agassizii (Rio Tefé)    - Lower Rio Tefé (Brazil)
A. cf. agassizii (Río Tigre) A. agassizii (Flamenco);
= A. sp. aff. agassizii
   (Jenaro Herrera)?
   - Lower Río Tigre (Peru)
A. sp. "Tefé"

   A. sp. "Tefé" (Rio Bauana)
A. sp. "Rio Tefé";
A. agassizii (Tefé)
A 243

Middle Rio Tefé, Lago Tefé & Lago Catuá

Rio Bauana (above Lago Tefé, Brazil)




    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Careiro)    - Lakes and streams near Careiro (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Curuaí)    - Right bank (south) tributaries of the Amazon around Curuaí (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Itaituba)) = A. sp. aff. agassizii (Tapajós)?    - Rio Tapajós near Itaituba (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Lagoa Janauacá) = A. sp. aff. agassizii (Tapajós)?    - Small streams entering Lagoa Janauacá (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Manaquiri) A. cf. gephyra (Manaquiri)    - Right bank (south) tributaries of the Amazon near Manaquiri (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Rio Apeú) A. agassizii (Rio Apeú)    - Rio Apeú (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Rio Madeira) Gold Agassizii;
A. sp. aff. agassizii
   (Porto Velho);
A. agassizii (Nova Olinda);
A. agassizii (Rondonia)
A 240 Middle & Lower Rio Madeira
(Porto Velho – Manicoré, Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Rio Tapajós)

   A. sp. aff. agassizii (Rio Tapajós)
A. agassizii (Lake Santarém);
A. agassizii (Óbidos);
= A. sp. aff. agassizii
= A. sp. aff. agassizii
   (Lagoa Janauacá)?
A 236

Igarapé Açu, Lago Jacundá
(Lower Rio Tapajós, Brazil)

Lower Rio Tapajós (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Rio Tocantins) A. agassizii (Belém);
A. agassizii (Tucurui);
A. agassizii Gold-line
   - Lower Rio Tocantins (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Rio Xingu)    - Lower Rio Xingu (Brazil)



A.-agassizii-Netz / Net-Subcomplex

    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Alenquer) A. agassizii (Bara Mansa)
= A. agassizii (Cuipeua)?
A 235 Around Alenquer (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Lago Januari)    - Lago Januari near Manaus (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Rio Jari)    - Lower Rio Jari (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Rio Negro) A. agassizii (Caurés);
A. agassizii (Janauacá)
   - Rio Negro below mouth of Rio Branco
& Rio Caurés (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Rio Nhamundá)    - Lower Rio Nhamundá (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Rio Trombetas) A 237 Lower Rio Trombetas (Brazil)
A. sp. aff. agassizii (Rio Urubu)    - Lower Rio Urubu (Brazil)



    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. diplotaenia A. sp. "Doppelband/Double-band" A 128 Upper - Lower Rio Negro (Brazil),
Middle Río Orinoco (Río Inirida, Colombia)
A. psammophila A. cf. diplotaenia (Alto Orinoco)
A. cf. diplotaenia "Orinoco"
A 129 Río Atabapo (Venezuela and Colombia)

Affiliation Uncertain

    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
A. parva = A. sp. aff. agassizii
(Broad Black Caudal Seam)?
(type specimens too small to be certain)
   - Rio Capim (Brazil)
A. sp. "Cuiari" A. sp. "Kuiari"    - Río Cuiari (Colombia, Brazil?)
A. sp. "D52"    - Colombia
A. sp. "Japura"    - Rio Japura (Brazil)


    Name     Other Names A-No.     Distribution
Taeniacara candidi Apistogramma weisei    - Amazon, Rio Tefé to Rio Tapajós
& Lower Rio Negro (Brazil)