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Colombia trip Jan - Feb 2017:
Most of the Apistogramma-macmasteri-group forms we collected
             (April 2017)

The first two weeks of the 4 weeks long 2017 trip to Colombia were used to explore the llanos.
We explored huge areas: Here are many of our collecting locations marked:

To keep record of all the fishes we collected, and to be sure we always talked about the same fish, we gave most of them a "D" number. 
(We also collected known forms, like the true A. viejita and A. sp. "Schwarzkehl/blackthroat"; we of course didn't gave them a "D"-number.)
Many of the Apistogramma we collected here, belong to the A.-macmasteri-group and -complex, and I will present most of them here.

Samples were taken from all forms, to DNA analyse and - compare them in the near future. 

Apistogramma sp. "D26":

One male with red markings in the "face" and short fins, and one with extended fins but no red in the face! 


A female, and the habitat (a small lake):


Apistogramma sp. "D27":

A male, just collected: 


A female, showing the bars more clearly below the lateral band, and the habitat:


A male in aquarium, looking quite different than in the wild:

Apistogramma sp. "D28":

A male in aquarium. 


Apistogramma sp. "D29":

Males, just collected: 


We found this Apisto both in the big river and in a small affluent:


A male in aquarium:

Apistogramma sp. "D30":

A male, with a beautiful red dorsal fin, in aquarium: 


The habitat (a river!):


Apistogramma sp. "D31":

Males just collected: 


A male in aquarium:


The habitat:

Apistogramma sp. "D32":

Males, just collected. Unusual black markings, and even split bars: 



The habitat:

Apistogramma sp. "D33":

Males, just collected: 


Males in aquarium:


The habitat:


Apistogramma sp. "D34":

A male, just collected: 

A male in aquarium):


The habitat includs caimans:


Apistogramma sp. "D35":

A male just collected, showing a very distinct bar 4, : 


The habitat is near higher mountains:


Apistogramma sp. "D36":

A male just collected: 

A male in aquarium:


The habitat: