The picture in the headline shows the lower part of Río Pacaya, National Reserve of Pacaya Samiria, Peru
Welcome to our fish site

Apistogramma cf. piaroa
Colombia - F1 Male
Apistogramma minima
Colombia - F1 Male
Apistogramma cf. personata
Colombia - F1 Male
We are two ornamental fish hobbyists, living in the southern part of Norway.
Martin is the one who knows how to create a website. He is the brain behind all the basic structures
of this site.
TomC fills the site with content. He is keeping lots of Apistogramma and
Lebiasinidae (pencilfish), and spends time in the Amazon (Peru or Colombia) almost every year,
to find and document Apistogramma etc. and their habitats.
Here you will find stuff concerning
dwarf-cichlids (mostly Apistogramma), characins (mostly Lebiasinidae = pencil fish),
and a few others.

Nannostomus (cf.) trifasciatus
Río Pintoyacu, Peru - Wild specimen
Apistogramma cf. sp. "D62" (2024)
Colombia - Wild male
Nannostomus marginatus picturatus
Upper Río Putumayo, Colombia - Wild male
Blog updated 2024-01-03

News October 2020:
Mike Wise's illustrated guide to the understanding of the Apistogramma-species-groups has been thoroughly updated.
Have a look at this huge, important and fantastic article!
A description of Apistogramma species-groups
News February 2020:
Mike Wise et al.'s Apistogramma-species list will now be updated as soon as we feel there are important needs for change.
You may now access the species-list from the menu on the left (The List)
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