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Apistogramma eremnopyge

Apistogramma eremnopyge

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A-number: 218


Jonathan Ready & Sven.O. Kullander, 2004

Apistogramma eremnopyge, a new species of cichlid fish (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Peru

A. trifasciata-lineage
   A. agassizii-sublineage


Apistogramma sp. aff. bitaeniata "Fresa"
Apistogramma sp. aff. bitaeniata "Strawberry"
Apistogramma sp. "Fresa"
Apistogramma sp. "Roterbart"
Apistogramma sp. "Rio Tapiche"
Apistogramma sp. "Red-beard"
Apistogramma sp. "Diamante"
Apistogramma sp. "Barabarossa"
Apistogramma sp. "Barbaroja"

Distribution and habitat

Rio Itaya and Río Nanay-drainage, Peru

I collected this species in Río Nanay-drainage in October 2005, and in the Río Itaya-drainage in October 2010.

In 2005: pH: 4,21  Conductivity: 34 microSiemens/cm,  T: 28,2 °C

In 2010: pH: 4,87  Conductivity: 14-20 microSiemens/cm,  T: 35,3 °C (!)

Water parameters

PH : 4 - 6
ppm : Low

My Experience

Treat them like A. bitaeniata, and they'll give you no problems.

In my tanks they get very shy if the tank is too bright, or (too) small.

They love to stay among leaf-litter.

Eat most of the food I offer. Adult fish also love small food, like newly hatched bbs.


Easy to breed if the pH is low and the water is very soft.

Often gives more than 50 fry growing up.