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Apistogramma cruzi

A. cruzi (Rio Mazan)

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A-number: 83


Kullander, 1986

Apistogramma-eunotus-complex; Apistogramma-cruzi-subcomplex.

Apistogramma cruzi was placed in the A.-eunotus-complex by Koslowski (1985a, known as the Parallel-stripes/Parallelstreifen-Apistogramma at that time). The surfacing of additional similar forms justifies the erection of a separate complex.

Miller & Schliewen (2005) consider this complex to be genetically part of the A.-eunotus-complex. The species in it can be considered an assemblage of closely related species (sub-complexe) within the complex, however.



Apistogramma sp. "Parallelstreifen"

Often confused with A. sp. Nanay (A 82 ), A. sp. "Putumayo" (A 85-86) and various forms within the A.eunotus-complex.

Distribution and habitat

All known occurrences of species of this complex lie in the northern tributaries of the upper/middle Amazon (Nanay to the Putumayo/Içá.).

The true A. cruzi is known from the Rio Mazan, Rio Napo-drainage. Loreto. Peru

I collected this species in Rio Mazan-drainage in October 2007.

The location was where Kullander reported it in the 1980's; 2 hours upstreams of Puerto Alegre.

Pictures from the habitat can be seen abowe.

Water parameters

PH : 4 - 7
ppm :

My Experience

I brought fish back from the wild in November 2007.

They immediately started to breed in my tanks, in pH from 5 - 6.4.

They eat everything I offer.
